Personal data protection

Information for processing of personal data

In allignment with the European parlament and Council’s (EU) 2016/679 regulations, hereinafter as „GDPR“, in the context of visiting the website and while processing personal data.

The processing of personal data from the contact forms

By sending the query using the inquiry form, the following personal data in an encrypted interface is collected:

  • the date and time of the inquiry form being sent
  • the data from the recieved inquiry form
  • any questions by the customer

The processing of the log files is done Nové Adalbertinum, located on Velké Náměstí 32/40, Hradec Králové 500 03, CIN 14100568, bussines register: C48817 registered at the Regional court in Hradec Králové.

Processing of personal data for sending a newsletter

If the user of the website is interested in getting the newsletter or other advertising messages, given personal information will be procesed based on the agreement, i.e. in the extent of at least an email adress and name. The content of the newsletter and other advertising messages can be personalised based on the provided information and other data for personalization of content, which Nové Adalbertinum Inc. obtains from the customer‘s usage of the website or the newsletter. Personal data will be processed only after filling out the relevant form for the order of the newsletter and other advertising messages with personal information, then filling out the order and confirming consent for the processing of personal data by answering according to the instructions, that will be sent in an email. If the order isn’t confirmed, the information provided won’t be saved.

Provided personal information is proccesed until the withdrawal of consent. The consent for the personal data processing is completely optional and can be revoked at any time by sending a written announcement of the withdrawal of consent on the adress of the company. The consent can also be revoked by clicking the „You can unsubscribe from the subscription“ link in the recieved newsletter of the advertising message.

Processing of personal data related to purchase of services on the website of the company

In case of the purchase of services of the web, the customer’s personal data will be processed, i.e. name, email adress, phone number and adress (optional). The data will be processed for the purpose of concluding the appropriate purchase contract, also for the purpose of fulfilling the obligations resulting from the applicable regulations and the purpose of protecting of the rights and in the right of the protected interests, consisting of the protection of any potencional litigations resulting from the concluded purchase contracts. The data will be processed for 3 years since concluding the purchase contract.

Processing of personal data connected to accomodation sevices

In case reservation was made on the website, personal data will be processed containing name, email adress, phone number, company (if needed). After the processing of the order, the data can also be used for marketing purposes relating to the offer of accomodation services, in keeping with the recitel 47 GDPR. In this case, the customer has the right to have their data erased and can do so by contacting the Hotel at

Processing of personal data in relation to the acommodation service

The personal data (name, date of birth, ID or passport number, adress, signature) of the costumers, who stay at Hotel Nové Adalbertinum Inc are processed based on a legal reason, given by the law. The processing is therefore necessary for fufilling legal obligations in keeping with paragraph 6, 1 PÍSM. c) GDPR. In this connection the company keeps the name and email adress of the customers, for the purpose of assesing the customer’s satisfaction or a bussiness deal/service of the same character. The legal title of the processing of a name and email adress is therefore protecting the rights and interests of the company Nové Adalbertinum Inc and giving the oppurtunity to improve the service in keeping with the recital 47 GDPR. The opurtunity of feedback will be given by the company, while also processing the email adresses of the costumers, by sending a questionnaire about their satisfaction with the course of the stay in the hotel, i.e. a business comunication. The questionnaire will be sent to the customer only once for every order. Feedback and email adress processing will be done by the company Nové Adalbertinum Inc trough a contractually bound third person. Please note, the previously stated types of processing include profiling.